`getAMR` returns a `GRanges` object with aberrantly methylated regions (AMRs / epimutations) for all samples in a data set.
data.samples = NULL,
data.coverage = NULL,
transform = c("identity", "linear"),
exclude.range = NULL,
compute = c("IQR", "beta+binom"),
compute.estimate = c("mom", "amle", "nmle"),
compute.weights = c("equal", "logInvDist", "sqrtInvDist", "invDist"),
combine = c("threshold", "comb-p"),
combine.threshold = ifelse(compute == "IQR", 5, 0.001),
combine.window = 300,
combine.min.cpgs = 7,
combine.min.width = 1,
combine.ignore.strand = FALSE,
ncores = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
- data.ranges
A `GRanges` object with genomic locations and corresponding beta values included as metadata.
- data.samples
A character vector with sample names (e.g., a subset of metadata column names). If `NULL` (the default), then all samples (metadata columns) are included in the analysis.
- data.coverage
An optional `data.frame` object with coverage data. If provided, must be an all-integer `data.frame`, with the same dimensions and column names as the `data.ranges` metadata columns.
- transform
A character scalar specifying if beta values should be used as supplied ("identity", the default) or linearly transformed ("linear") to force all \(\{0;1\}\) endpoint (extreme) values within open \((0,1)\) interval using the following formula: $$x'=\frac{x(N-1)+0.5}{N}$$ where \(x\) is the beta value before transformation, and \(N\) is the number of samples. Such transformation is recommended only if beta values contain \(\{0;1\}\) values and coverage data is NOT available. See doi: 10.1037/1082-989X.11.1.54 and Dealing with 0,1 values in a beta regression for more details.
- exclude.range
A numeric vector of length two. Unless `NULL` (the default), all `data.ranges` genomic locations with their median methylation beta value within the `exclude.range` interval are filtered out.
- compute
A character scalar: when "IQR" (the default), AMR search based on interquantile range is performed. When "beta+binom" - search is based on fitting optionally weighted beta distribution (with the possibility of estimating binomial probability of \(\{0;1\}\) endpoint values). See Details section for explanation.
- compute.estimate
A character scalar for the method of parameter estimation of beta distribution. The default ("mom") stands for the method of moments based on the unbiased estimator of variance and includes \(\{0;1\}\) endpoints in calculation of moments (mean, unbiased variance). Other options are "amle" (approximation of maximum likelihood estimation) and "nmle" (numeric maximum likelihood estimation) - both ignore \(\{0;1\}\) endpoints in calculations. See Details section for explanation.
- compute.weights
A character scalar for the weights assigned to individual observations (beta values) and used to compute weighted means and variance as described in "Compute" section below. Four available weighing schemes result in different sensitivity of outlier detection and rate of false positive (FP) findings: "equal" (the default) is the least sensitive and gives least number of FPs, while "invDist" is the most sensitive but may result in a very high number of FPs especially when `combine.threshold` is too high (1e-3 or higher). "logInvDist" is recommended when one desires a balance between relatively low type I error rate and higher detection sensitivity for both unique and non-unique AMRs.
If "equal", all weights are equal to 1 (\(w_i=1\)). Otherwise, weights of observations inversely depend on their distance from the median (thus emphasizing outliers) and are calculated using the following formulas: $$\text{"logInvDist": } w_i = \log{\frac{1}{|M-x_i|+\epsilon}}$$ $$\text{"sqrtInvDist": } w_i = \sqrt{\frac{1}{|M-x_i|+\epsilon}}$$ $$\text{"invDist": } w_i = \frac{1}{|M-x_i|+\epsilon}$$ where \(x_i\) is a beta value for i-th sample, \(M\) is a median of all beta values at this genomic location, and \(\epsilon\) is a very small number (= FLT_EPSILON \(\approx\) 1.192093e-07).
- combine
A character scalar for the method used to combine individual outlier genomic positions into genomic intervals (ranges). When "threshold" (the default) is used, simple thresholding is applied. More details are given in the "Combine" subsection below.
- combine.threshold
A numeric scalar setting the threshold for an outlier value. When `compute=="IQR"`, methylation beta values differing from the median value by at least `combine.threshold` interquartile ranges are considered to be outliers (the default: 5). When `compute=="beta+binom"`, all probability values not higher than `combine.threshold` are considered to be outliers (the default: 0.001).
- combine.window
A positive integer. All significant (survived the filtering stage) `data.ranges` genomic locations within this distance will be merged to create AMRs (the default: 300).
- combine.min.cpgs
A single integer >= 1. All AMRs containing less than `combine.min.cpgs` significant genomic locations are filtered out (the default: 7).
- combine.min.width
A single integer >= 1 (the default). Only AMRs with the width of at least `combine.min.width` are returned.
- combine.ignore.strand
A boolean scalar to ignore strand information in the input `data.ranges` and when outlier genomic positions are combined into genomic intervals (the default: FALSE).
- ncores
A single integer >= 1. Number of OpenMP threads for parallel computation (the default: half of the available cores). Results of parallel processing are fully reproducible.
- verbose
Boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE).
The output is a `GRanges` object that contains all the aberrantly methylated regions (AMRs / epimutations) for all `data.samples` samples in `data.ranges` object. The following metadata columns may be present:
`revmap` – integer list of significant CpGs (`data.ranges` genomic locations) that are included in this AMR region
`ncpg` – number of significant CpGs within this AMR region
`sample` – contains an identifier of a sample to which corresponding AMR belongs
`dbeta` – average deviation of beta values for significant CpGs from their corresponding median values
`pval` – geometric mean of p-values for significant CpGs
`xiqr` – average IQR-normalised deviation of beta values for significant CpGs from their corresponding median values
In the provided data set, `getAMR` finds stretches of outlier beta values to identify rare long-range methylation aberrations (epimutations) in one or several samples. As a rule, methods for differential methylation analysis rely on between-group comparisons — `getAMR` performs this comparison within-group, which is not only faster, but also more sensitive. The logic of computations is described below.
This section describes computations that are performed in order to identify individual outlier beta values — but before values are deemed as outliers. At the moment, the two supported methods are:
- "IQR"
When `compute=="IQR"`, for every genomic location (CpG) in `data.ranges` the IQR-normalized deviation from the median value is calculated using the following formula: $$xIQR_i=\frac{x_i-M}{IQR}$$ where \(x_i\) is a beta value for i-th sample, \(M\) and \(IQR\) are a median and an interquartile range of all beta values at this genomic location, respectively.
- "beta+binom"
When `compute=="beta+binom"`, for every genomic location (CpG), `getAMR` will estimate the probability of each beta value to occur. For all beta values inside the open \((0,1)\) interval, beta distribution is used. For all \(\{0;1\}\) endpoint (extreme) values where beta distribution is not defined, binomial probability is calculated using coverage data (supplied using `data.coverage` parameter).
Alpha \({\alpha}\) and beta \({\beta}\) parameters of beta distribution can be estimated using one of the following methods:
Method of moments (`compute.estimate="mom"`) based on (both optionally weighted) mean and unbiased variance $$\text{sample mean} = \bar{x} = \frac{ \sum\limits_{i=1}^n w_i x_i}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^n w_i}$$ $$\text{unbiased variance} =\bar{v} = \frac {\sum\limits_{i=1}^N w_i (x_i - \bar{x})^2} {\sum_{i=1}^N w_i - (\sum_{i=1}^N w_i^2 / \sum_{i=1}^N w_i)} $$ where \(x_i\) and \(w_i\) are a beta value and its reliability weight for i-th sample. $$\hat{\alpha} = \bar{x} \left(\frac{\bar{x} (1 - \bar{x})}{\bar{v}} - 1 \right)$$ $$\hat{\beta} = (1-\bar{x}) \left(\frac{\bar{x} (1 - \bar{x})}{\bar{v}} - 1 \right)$$ Note: all beta values from the closed \([0,1]\) interval are used for calculation of arithmetic mean value. For more details on used formulas, visit Weighted arithmetic mean, Weighted variance with reliability weights, and Method of moments for beta distribution
Approximate maximum likelihood (`compute.estimate="amle"`) based on (both optionally weighted) geometric means of \(x\) and \((1-x)\) $$ \hat{G}_x = \left(\prod_{i=1}^n x_i^{w_i}\right)^{1 / \sum_{i=1}^n w_i} $$ $$ \hat{G}_{(1-x)} = \left(\prod_{i=1}^n {(1-x_i)}^{w_i}\right)^{1 / \sum_{i=1}^n w_i} $$ where \(x_i\) and \(w_i\) are a beta value and its reliability weight for i-th sample. $$ \hat{\alpha}\approx \tfrac{1}{2} + \frac{\hat{G}_{x}}{2(1-\hat{G}_x-\hat{G}_{(1-x)})} $$ $$ \hat{\beta}\approx \tfrac{1}{2} + \frac{\hat{G}_{(1-x)}}{2(1-\hat{G}_x-\hat{G}_{(1-x)})} $$ Note: only beta values from the open \((0,1)\) interval are used for calculation of geometric means. For more details, visit Weighted geometric mean, and Maximum likelihood for beta distribution
And a numerical maximum likelihood (`compute.estimate="nmle"`) which is yet to be implemented.
After estimating parameters of beta distribution, probabilities of observed beta values from the open \((0,1)\) interval are computed using regularized incomplete beta function \(I_x(\alpha, \beta)\). For more details, visit Cumulative distribution function for beta distribution.
Probabilities of \(\{0;1\}\) endpoint values are computed using mean value (either arithmetic for `compute.estimate="mom"` or geometric for `compute.estimate="*mle"`) using the following formulas: $${p^0}_i=(1-\bar{x})^k$$ $${p^1}_i=\bar{x}^k$$ where \({p^0}_i\) and \({p^1}_i\) are probabilities of observing 0 or 1 for i-th sample, respectively, \(\bar{x}\) is a mean of all beta values for this genomic position, and \(k\) is a sequencing coverage of this genomic position for i-th sample.
This section describes how individual beta values are deemed as outliers and how these outliers are combined into extended genomic regions (aberrantly methylated regions, AMRs, or epimutations). The only method supported at the moment is thresholding as described below.
- "threshold"
This method applies a fixed threshold (specified using `combine.threshold` parameter) to all `xIQR` or probability values computed at the previous step. All observed beta values that are passing this threshold (above or equal to the threshold for `xIQR`; below or equal in case of probability values) are considered to be outliers and therefore retained.
Next, for all outlier beta values per sample, corresponding genomic positions are merged into genomic intervals using the window of `combine.window` and keeping the strand information unless `combine.ignore.strand` is TRUE.
- "comb-p"
This method of combining outliers into genomic ranges is yet to be implemented.
Resulting genomic intervals are then filtered: only the regions containing at least `combine.min.cpgs` outliers and which are at leas as wide as `combine.min.width` are reported back.
As a final step, the following average values are computed for every aberrantly methylated region:
arithmetic mean of distances of all outlier beta values to a median beta value (`dbeta`)
if `compute=="IQR"`, arithmetic mean of xIQR values of all outlier genomic position (`xiqr`) OR
if `compute=="beta+binom"`, geometric mean of probability values of all outlier genomic position (`pval`)
See also
for plotting AMRs, getUniverse
for info on enrichment analysis, simulateAMR
for the generation of simulated test data sets,
and `ramr` vignettes for the description of usage and sample data.
getAMR(data.ranges=ramr.data, data.samples=ramr.samples,
compute="beta+binom", compute.estimate="amle",
combine.min.cpgs=5, combine.window=1000, combine.threshold=1e-3)
#> Preprocessing data
#> [0.073s]
#> Fitting beta distribution
#> [0.035s]
#> Creating genomic ranges
#> [0.029s]
#> GRanges object with 21 ranges and 5 metadata columns:
#> seqnames ranges strand | revmap ncpg sample
#> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <list> <integer> <factor>
#> [1] chr1 2443577-2453006 * | 2722,2723,2724,... 30 sample25
#> [2] chr1 1589891-1590941 * | 1459,1460,1461,... 10 sample33
#> [3] chr1 1589891-1590941 * | 1459,1460,1461,... 10 sample34
#> [4] chr1 1589891-1590941 * | 1459,1460,1461,... 10 sample35
#> [5] chr1 874697-877876 * | 165,166,167,... 13 sample44
#> ... ... ... ... . ... ... ...
#> [17] chr1 1709203-1715039 * | 1595,1596,1597,... 20 sample79
#> [18] chr1 1709203-1715039 * | 1595,1596,1597,... 20 sample80
#> [19] chr1 566172-569687 * | 17,18,19,... 15 sample95
#> [20] chr1 1138931-1146903 * | 726,727,728,... 27 sample98
#> [21] chr1 1160713-1165393 * | 789,790,791,... 15 sample98
#> dbeta pval
#> <numeric> <numeric>
#> [1] -0.484617 1.13977e-19
#> [2] 0.489562 8.39634e-08
#> [3] 0.503785 3.82302e-08
#> [4] 0.512633 2.10071e-08
#> [5] 0.451475 9.63767e-08
#> ... ... ...
#> [17] 0.455621 1.76597e-08
#> [18] 0.453449 2.04956e-08
#> [19] 0.498337 6.26893e-17
#> [20] 0.380622 1.77707e-18
#> [21] -0.514668 2.65810e-18
#> -------
#> seqinfo: 24 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths