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`generateBedReport`, `generateAmpliconReport`, `generateCaptureReport` – these functions match BAM reads to the set of genomic locations and return the fraction of reads with an average methylation level passing an arbitrary threshold.


  report.file = NULL,
  zero.based.bed = FALSE,
  match.tolerance = 1,
  threshold.reads = TRUE,
  threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"),
  min.context.sites = 2,
  min.context.beta = 0.5,
  max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1,
  gzip = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE

  report.file = NULL,
  zero.based.bed = FALSE,
  match.min.overlap = 1,
  threshold.reads = TRUE,
  threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"),
  min.context.sites = 2,
  min.context.beta = 0.5,
  max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1,
  gzip = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE

  report.file = NULL,
  zero.based.bed = FALSE,
  bed.type = c("amplicon", "capture"),
  match.tolerance = 1,
  match.min.overlap = 1,
  threshold.reads = TRUE,
  threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"),
  min.context.sites = 2,
  min.context.beta = 0.5,
  max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1,
  gzip = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE



BAM file location string OR preprocessed output of preprocessBam function. Read more about BAM file requirements and BAM preprocessing at preprocessBam.


Browser Extensible Data (BED) file location string OR object of class GRanges holding genomic coordinates for regions of interest. The style of seqlevels of BED file/object must be the same as the style of seqlevels of BAM file/object used. The BED/GRanges rows are not sorted internally. As of now, the strand information is ignored and reads (read pairs) matching both strands are separately counted and reported.


file location string to write the BED report. If NULL (the default) then report is returned as a data.table object.


boolean defining if BED coordinates are zero based (default: FALSE).


integer for the largest difference between read's and BED GRanges start or end positions during matching of amplicon-based NGS reads (default: 1).


boolean defining if sequence reads should be thresholded before counting reads belonging to variant epialleles (default: TRUE). Disabling thresholding is possible but makes no sense in the context of this function, because all the reads will be assigned to the variant epiallele, which will result in VEF==1 (in such case `NA` VEF values are returned in order to avoid confusion). As thresholding is not recommended for long-read sequencing data, this function is not recommended for such data either.


string defining cytosine methylation context used for thresholding the reads:

  • "CG" (the default) – within-the-context: CpG cytosines (called as zZ), out-of-context: all the other cytosines (hHxX)

  • "CHG" – within-the-context: CHG cytosines (xX), out-of-context: hHzZ

  • "CHH" – within-the-context: CHH cytosines (hH), out-of-context: xXzZ

  • "CxG" – within-the-context: CG and CHG cytosines (zZxX), out-of-context: CHH cytosines (hH)

  • "CX" – all cytosines are considered within-the-context, this effectively results in no thresholding

This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled.


non-negative integer for minimum number of cytosines within the `threshold.context` (default: 2). Reads containing fewer within-the-context cytosines are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled.


real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.5). Reads with average beta value for within-the-context cytosines below this threshold are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled.


real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.1). Reads with average beta value for out-of-context cytosines above this threshold are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled.


other parameters to pass to the preprocessBam function. Options have no effect if preprocessed BAM data was supplied as an input.


boolean to compress the report (default: FALSE).


boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE).


integer for the smallest overlap between read's and BED GRanges start or end positions during matching of capture-based NGS reads (default: 1). If read matches two or more BED genomic regions, only the first match is taken (input GRanges are not sorted internally).


character string for the type of assay that was used to produce sequencing reads:

  • "amplicon" (the default) – used for amplicon-based next-generation sequencing when exact coordinates of sequenced fragments are known. Matching of reads to genomic ranges are then performed by the read's start or end positions, either of which should be no further than `match.tolerance` bases away from the start or end position of genomic ranges given in BED file/GRanges object

  • "capture" – used for capture-based next-generation sequencing when reads partially overlap with the capture target regions. Read is considered to match the genomic range when their overlap is more or equal to `match.min.overlap`. If read matches two or more BED genomic regions, only the first match is taken (input GRanges are not sorted internally)


data.table object containing VEF report for BED GRanges or NULL if report.file was specified. If BAM file contains reads that would not match to any of BED GRanges, the last row in the report will contain information on such reads (with seqnames, start and end equal to NA). The report columns are:

  • seqnames – reference sequence name

  • start – start of genomic region

  • end – end of genomic region

  • width – width of genomic region

  • strand – strand

  • ... – other columns that were present in BED or metadata columns of GRanges object

  • nreads+ – number of reads (pairs) mapped to the forward ("+") strand

  • nreads- – number of reads (pairs) mapped to the reverse ("-") strand

  • VEF – frequency of reads passing the threshold


Functions report hypermethylated variant epiallele frequencies (VEF) per genomic region of interest using BAM and BED files as input. Reads (for paired-end sequencing alignment files - read pairs as a single entity) are matched to genomic locations by exact coordinates (`generateAmpliconReport` or `generateBedReport` with an option bed.type="amplicon") or minimum overlap (`generateCaptureReport` or `generateBedReport` with an option bed.type="capture") – the former to be used for amplicon-based NGS data, while the latter – for the capture-based NGS data. The function's logic is explained below.

Let's suppose we have a BAM file with four reads, all mapped to the "+" strand of chromosome 1, positions 1-16. The genomic range is supplied as a parameter `bed = as("chr1:1-100", "GRanges")`. Assuming the default values for the thresholding parameters (threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = "CG", min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1), the input and results will look as following:

methylation stringthresholdexplained
...Z..x+.h..x..h.belowmin.context.sites < 2 (only one zZ base)
...Z..z.h..x..h.abovepass all criteria
...Z..z.h..X..h.belowmax.outofcontext.beta > 0.1 (1XH / 3xXhH = 0.33)
...Z..z.h..z-.h.belowmin.context.beta < 0.5 (1Z / 3zZ = 0.33)

Only the second read will satisfy all of the thresholding criteria, leading to the following BED report (given that all reads map to chr1:+:1-16):


Please note, that read thresholding by an average methylation level (as explained above) makes little sense for long-read sequencing alignments, as such reads can cover multiple regions with very different DNA methylation properties. Instead, please use extractPatterns, limiting pattern output to the region of interest only.

See also

preprocessBam for preloading BAM data, generateCytosineReport for methylation statistics at the level of individual cytosines, generateVcfReport for evaluating epiallele-SNV associations, extractPatterns for exploring methylation patterns and plotPatterns for pretty plotting of its output, generateBedEcdf for analysing the distribution of per-read beta values, and `epialleleR` vignettes for the description of usage and sample data.

GRanges class for working with genomic ranges, seqlevelsStyle function for getting or setting the seqlevels style.


  # amplicon data
  amplicon.bam    <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam",
  amplicon.bed    <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon.bed",
                                 package="epialleleR") <- generateAmpliconReport(bam=amplicon.bam,
#> Reading BED file 
#> [0.007s]
#> Checking BAM file: 
#> short-read, paired-end, name-sorted alignment detected
#> Reading paired-end BAM file 
#> [0.003s]
#> Thresholding reads 
#> [0.000s]
#> Preparing amplicon report 
#> [0.012s]
  # capture NGS
  capture.bam    <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam",
  capture.bed    <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bed",
                                package="epialleleR") <- generateCaptureReport(bam=capture.bam, bed=capture.bed)
#> Reading BED file 
#> [0.008s]
#> Checking BAM file: 
#> short-read, paired-end, name-sorted alignment detected
#> Reading paired-end BAM file 
#> [0.011s]
#> Thresholding reads 
#> [0.001s]
#> Preparing capture report 
#> [0.018s]
  # generateAmpliconReport and generateCaptureReport are just aliases
  # of the generateBedReport <- generateBedReport(bam=capture.bam, bed=capture.bed,
#> Reading BED file 
#> [0.008s]
#> Checking BAM file: 
#> short-read, paired-end, name-sorted alignment detected
#> Reading paired-end BAM file 
#> [0.012s]
#> Thresholding reads 
#> [0.001s]
#> Preparing capture report 
#> [0.015s]
#> [1] TRUE