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This function reads and preprocesses BAM file.


  paired = NULL,
  override.check = FALSE,
  min.mapq = 0,
  min.baseq = 0,
  min.prob = -1,
  highest.prob = TRUE,
  skip.duplicates = FALSE,
  skip.secondary = TRUE,
  skip.qcfail = TRUE,
  skip.supplementary = TRUE,
  trim = 0,
  nthreads = 1,
  verbose = TRUE



BAM file location string.


boolean for expected alignment endness: `TRUE` for paired-end, `FALSE` for single-end, or `NULL` for auto detect (the default).


boolean to use supplied endness (`paired` parameter) even if it is different from the autodetected one (default: FALSE).


non-negative integer threshold for minimum read mapping quality (default: 0).


non-negative integer threshold for minimum nucleotide base quality (default: 0).


integer threshold for minimum scaled probability of modification (methylation) to consider. Affects processing long-read sequencing alignments only. According to SAM/BAM specification, the continuous base modification probability range 0.0 to 1.0 is remapped in equal sized portions to the discrete integers 0 to 255 inclusively. If default (-1), then all C+m and G-m cytosine methylation modifications recorded in MM/Mm tag will be included, even if ML/Ml tag with probabilities is absent (in such case, probability of modification equals -1).


boolean defining if methylation modification must have the highest probability among all modifications at a particular base to be considered in the analyses (default: TRUE). Affects processing long-read sequencing alignments only. If default (TRUE) and ML/Ml tag with probability scores is absent, then cytosines with more than one modification will be omitted (as the probability of all modifications will be equal).


boolean defining if duplicate aligned reads should be skipped (default: FALSE). Option has no effect if duplicate reads were not marked by alignment software.


boolean defining if secondary alignments should be skipped (default: TRUE). Do not change.


boolean defining if alignments failing QC should be skipped (default: TRUE). Do not change.


boolean defining if supplementary alignments should be skipped (default: TRUE). Do not change.


non-negative integer or vector of length 2 for the number of nucleotide bases to be trimmed from 5' and 3' ends of a template (i.e., read pair for paired-end BAM or read for single-end BAM). Default: 0 for no trimming. Specifying `trim=1` will result in removing of a single base from both ends, while specifying `trim=c(1,2)` will result in removing of a single base from 5' end and 2 bases from 3' end.


non-negative integer for the number of additional HTSlib threads to be used during BAM file decompression (default: 1). Two threads (and usually no more than two) make sense for the files larger than 100 MB.


boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE).


data.table object containing preprocessed BAM data.


The function loads and preprocesses BAM file, saving time when multiple analyses are to be performed on large input files. Currently, HTSlib is used to read the data, therefore it is possible to speed up the loading by means of HTSlib decompression threads.

This function is also called internally when BAM file location is supplied as an input for other `epialleleR` methods.

`preprocessBam` currently allows to load both short-read (e.g., bisulfite) and long-read (native) sequencing alignments. Specific requirements for these types of data are given below.

Short-read sequencing

For preprocessing of short reads (and therefore for all reporting methods), `epialleleR` requires genomic strand (XG tag) and a methylation call string (XM tag) to be present in a BAM file - i.e., methylation calling must be performed after read mapping/alignment by your software of choice. It is the case for BAM files produced by Bismark Bisulfite Read Mapper and Methylation Caller, Illumina DRAGEN, Illumina Cloud analysis solutions, as well as contemporary Illumina sequencing instruments with on-board read mapping/alignment (NextSeq 1000/2000, NovaSeq X), therefore such files can be analysed without additional steps. For alignments produced by other tools, e.g., BWA-meth or BSMAP, methylation calling must be performed prior to BAM loading / reporting, by means of callMethylation.

Long-read sequencing

For preprocessing of long reads, `epialleleR` requires presence of MM (Mm) and ML (Ml) tags that hold information on base modifications and related probabilities, respectively. These are standard tags described in SAM/BAM format specification, therefore relevant tools for analysis and alignment of long sequencing reads should be able to produce them.

Other details

`preprocessBam` always tests if BAM file is paired- or single-ended and has all the necessary tags available. It is recommended to use `verbose` processing and check messages for correct identification of alignment endness. Otherwise, if the `paired` parameter is set explicitly, exception is thrown when expected endness differs from the autodetected one. It is nevertheless possible to override the autodetected endness and load BAM as specified in `paired` by setting the `override.check` to TRUE.

During preprocessing of paired-end alignments, paired reads are merged according to their base quality: nucleotide base with the highest value in the QUAL string is taken, unless its quality is less than `min.baseq`, which results in no information for that particular position ("-"/"N"). These merged reads are then processed as a single entity in all `epialleleR` methods. Due to merging, overlapping bases in read pairs are counted only once, and the base with the highest quality is taken.

During preprocessing of single-end alignments, no read merging is performed. Only bases with quality of at least `min.baseq` are considered. Lower base quality results in no information for that particular position ("-"/"N").

For RRBS-like protocols, it is possible to trim alignments from one or both ends. Trimming is performed during BAM loading and will therefore influence results of all downstream `epialleleR` methods. Internally, trimming is performed at the level of a template (i.e., read pair for paired-end BAM or individual read for single-end BAM). This ensures that only necessary parts (real ends of sequenced fragment) are removed for paired-end sequencing reads.

It is also a requirement currently that paired-end BAM file must be sorted by QNAME instead of genomic location (i.e., "unsorted") to perform merging of paired-end reads. Error message is shown if it is sorted by genomic location, in this case please sort it by QNAME using 'samtools sort -n -o out.bam in.bam'.

Specific considerations for long-read sequencing data

Any location not reported is implicitly assumed to contain no modification.

According to SAM format specification, MM base modification tags are allowed to list modifications observed not only on the original sequenced strand (e.g., `C+m`) but also on the opposite strand (e.g., `G-m`). The logic of their processing is as follows (with the examples given below):

  • if an alignment record has no methylation modifications (neither `C+m`, nor `G-m` are present), this record is, naturally, considered to be a single read with no cytosines methylated

  • if an alignment record has `C+m` modification (base modifications on the original sequenced strand), then this record is, naturally, considered to be a single read with cytosine modifications on the sequenced strand

  • if an alignment record has `G-m` modification (base modifications on the strand opposite to sequenced), then this record is treated as two reads, with the original sequenced strand having no modifications, while the opposite strand having cytosine modifications

  • if both `C+m` and `G-m` are present, then this record is treated as two reads, with both strands having cytosine modifications

See also

preprocessGenome for preloading reference sequences and callMethylation for methylation calling.

generateCytosineReport for methylation statistics at the level of individual cytosines, generateBedReport for genomic region-based statistics, generateVcfReport for evaluating epiallele-SNV associations, extractPatterns for exploring methylation patterns and plotPatterns for pretty plotting of its output, generateBedEcdf for analysing the distribution of per-read beta values, and `epialleleR` vignettes for the description of usage and sample data.

Sequence Alignment/Map format specifications, specifications for optional SAM tags, duplicate alignments marking by Samtools and Illumina DRAGEN Bio IT Platform.


  capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR")    <- preprocessBam(capture.bam)
#> Checking BAM file: 
#> short-read, paired-end, name-sorted alignment detected
#> Reading paired-end BAM file 
#> [0.011s]
  # Specifics of long-read alignment processing
  out.bam <- tempfile(pattern="out-", fileext=".bam")
#> Writing sample BAM 
#> [0.002s]
#> [1] 1
  generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX")
#> Checking BAM file: 
#> long-read, single-end, unsorted alignment detected
#> Reading single-end BAM file 
#> [0.002s]
#> Preparing cytosine report 
#> [0.001s]
#>     rname strand   pos context  meth unmeth
#>    <fctr> <fctr> <int>  <fctr> <int>  <int>
#> 1:   chrS      +     2      CG     1      0
#> 2:   chrS      +     4     CHH     0      1
#> 3:   chrS      +     5     CHH     0      1
#> 4:   chrS      +     9      CG     1      0
#> 5:   chrS      +    11      CG     1      0
#> 6:   chrS      +    13     CHH     0      1
#> 7:   chrS      +    14     CHH     0      1
#> Writing sample BAM 
#> [0.002s]
#> [1] 1
  generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX")
#> Checking BAM file: 
#> long-read, single-end, unsorted alignment detected
#> Reading single-end BAM file 
#> [0.001s]
#> Preparing cytosine report 
#> [0.001s]
#>      rname strand   pos context  meth unmeth
#>     <fctr> <fctr> <int>  <fctr> <int>  <int>
#>  1:   chrS      +     2      CG     0      1
#>  2:   chrS      -     3      CG     1      0
#>  3:   chrS      +     4     CHH     0      1
#>  4:   chrS      +     5     CHH     0      1
#>  5:   chrS      +     9      CG     0      1
#>  6:   chrS      -    10      CG     1      0
#>  7:   chrS      +    11      CG     0      1
#>  8:   chrS      -    12      CG     1      0
#>  9:   chrS      +    13     CHH     0      1
#> 10:   chrS      +    14     CHH     0      1
#> Writing sample BAM 
#> [0.002s]
#> [1] 1
  generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX")
#> Checking BAM file: 
#> long-read, single-end, unsorted alignment detected
#> Reading single-end BAM file 
#> [0.001s]
#> Preparing cytosine report 
#> [0.000s]
#>      rname strand   pos context  meth unmeth
#>     <fctr> <fctr> <int>  <fctr> <int>  <int>
#>  1:   chrS      +     2      CG     1      0
#>  2:   chrS      -     3      CG     1      0
#>  3:   chrS      +     4     CHH     0      1
#>  4:   chrS      +     5     CHH     0      1
#>  5:   chrS      +     9      CG     1      0
#>  6:   chrS      -    10      CG     1      0
#>  7:   chrS      +    11      CG     1      0
#>  8:   chrS      -    12      CG     1      0
#>  9:   chrS      +    13     CHH     0      1
#> 10:   chrS      +    14     CHH     0      1